Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cook | Avocado Greek Chicken Wraps

  Anything that resembles a Gyro gets lots of love from me. And that goes for my many littles and the Mister. We're actually all really picky eaters here, but anything in a wheat wrap gets devoured! So this recipe is seriously simple [my favorite kind!] You don't have to use Naan [Flatbread]. We used the ones that we made from scratch [DELISH!]

  What You'll Need:
+ Salt & Pepper to taste
+ EVOO [extra virgin olive oil. Rachel Ray anyone?]
+ Greek Seasoning OR Basil + Parsley
+ Skinless/Boneless Chicken [i just used enough to feed us five with a little leftover]
+ Minced Garlic

  Finishing Touches:
+ The Whole Wheat Flat Bread [recipe links here]
+ Organic Baby Spinach
+ Avocados [sliced to go into a wrap]
+ Sliced Bell Peppers are good to add too [but I'm the only one in my family that will eat them]
+ Creamy Caesar Dressing [just a drizzle]

  What to Do:
I started with a bunch of thawed out skinless, boneless chicken tenderloins. Added a quarter cup of water and maybe a few teaspoons of EVOO [see above]. Added in Garlic and let that simmer over medium heat for a few minutes. Then I added the Greek Seasoning/Basil+Parsley, Salt and Pepper and covered and lowered the temp and let it simmer until it looks done [I should have watched the clock] After it was almost done I sliced the chicken tenderloins in half while they were cooking. They were tender and cut easily [that's why I do it that way]. Once all the liquid has evaporated, it's done!

Then you layer it on your Flat Bread or put it in a pita if you like. Add whatever toppings make you swoon: avocados are [AMAZING!], your Spinach, some shredded Parmesan cheese would go nicely [but I am cutting calories], sliced peppers and a drizzle of caesar dressing. It's SO good! Seriously. Go make this right now!

EAT! So seriously good! All my picky eaters ate it up!

Click on photos!