
  Ohana Christian Academy is the name of our homeschool. In our current state it is required to come up with a name for your homeschool. I let the girls pick...though I had to veto some of their choices...American Girl Academy, anyone?! I'm sure their brother wouldn't appreciate that someday when he's 8 years old! He's only one now, but I made the vote for him. Although, we are huge fans of the money pit called American Girl dolls. [if anyone from the AG company would like to sponsor our school, I will gladly change the name ^_^ ]


  Update 06/2012: After a ridiculous amount of thought and prayers, My Mister and I have decided that supplementing public school with a morning Bible/Devotional class, is going to be the best choice for our family. At least in this season of our lives. This could always change...this time next year we could be year round homeschooling, you never know with us. I would like to direct those of you who are feeling TORN about sending your Christian kids to the wolves public school, to read this book. I struggled with feeling like a bad mom for not homeschooling, letting my kids down, and/or failing in all areas. I am also still a HUGE advocate FOR homeschooling!
Read this book: 

Going Public: Your Child Can Thrive in Public School


Update 01/2013: in the new season of our lives, we will be homeschooling. We have had a terrible time with the public schools in Tennessee. We are relocating to a new state, starting over and homeschooling. If you public school your kids, I still recommend the book above, but we can no longer send our kids to public school. Homeschooling is the best for our kids!!! Very excited about this journey! The kids are REALLY thrilled!

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