Saturday, July 14, 2012

Laugh | Conversations with Little Miss Sassy

  We live in a busy world. I know. But when was the last time you had a really fun, insightful and giggle-filled conversation with one of your kids?! I'll admit that it had been awhile before my eldest and I did her "interview". You really can learn such fun things about your kids this way and it spawns more conversations!

  Last month I found this awesome printable [from pinterest, of course] where you can interview your kids! I have seen many of these done, and after doing this for the first time [and adding/changing some of the questions] I decided that I'm definitely going to add it to our family year books that I'm going to do every January [I think that's when I'll do it]

  I particularly loved her answer to three words that describe her...she went on to tell me that, "every girl is pretty!" Which lead to a conversation about how a person's heart and character are most important, and that she should be kind to everyone at school. Especially those that look like they could use a friend. Basically I told her not to be a "mean girl" : )

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