Monday, December 31, 2012

Photograph | 5 Tips for FUN Snowy Photos

catching snowflakes in her mouth
I recently took some photos of our precious littles in the while the first snow of the season fell. It wasn't expected to stick or to be amounting to much, but it was so exciting for them. One of my favorite things about chronicling our family adventures is catching our children experiencing new things. Children are amazing windows into seeing the world differently. Everyday things are so exciting to them!

  Since I knew we wouldn't have much time for them to play in the snow, I didn't wait for it to stop snowing. I definitely wanted to catch the snowflakes falling and their reactions to it. It was our mini mister's first time ever seeing snow!

I received several messages asking how to capture great snow photos of your kids after I posted these photos to Facebook. While I do not consider myself an expert by any stretch on snow photos, I think there are some basic things to keep in mind.

1.  Don't be afraid to take photos while precipitation is falling. No, my camera is not weather sealed and it is my tool for my line of work, there are precautions you can take. Either get a rain sleeve, or you can go ghetto-fabulous go green and recycle [like yours truly] with a grocery bag. I put a hood on my lens and the grocery bag and I'm good to go.

2. Put them in bright and fun colors! Snowy scenes create a great backdrop for tossing bright colors around. A fun colored scarf, coat, sweater or even boots can really add something to a snow day photo. I'm all for monochromatic and black and white but I like to balance these in family albums with great color images too. Our girls got these awesome nerd glasses they wanted for Christmas so we let them wear those too!

3. Manual Mode. Manual Mode. Manual Mode. Shooting in auto or program mode is usually going to produce a flat or badly exposed photo. Snow is bright and reflective [even when it's overcast] and leaving all of the decisions up to your camera is not a good idea. I know this because many years ago, I used to shoot that way! Also, shoot RAW. The back of the LCD screen can be very deceptive. What might look properly exposed on the screen could end up being too dark once you get it into editing. Yes, you can check the histogram, and sometimes I intentionally overexpose a bit [that's my personal taste and style] but when I'm running around with my kids, I'm not checking my histogram.

There's something magical about this capture. Brie watching the flakes come down...
4. Let them explore naturally & be their goofy selves. Children are natural born explorers. Everything is fascinating and snow provides a natural "toy" to keep them entertained. That's what's going to give you those "money" shots of them being natural and giving real smiles. Don't make them say cheese. In fact let's pretend that horrible saying was never invented and remove it from our picture taking verbiage, okay? Okay.

She made a snowball and pelted Rory in the face. Nice throw.

5. But how do you catch the snow while it's FALLING?! By this point, you might be wondering how to "stop" the snow so that it's all magical and sprinkles your photos with awesomeness. That was the most asked question, actually. This is why step 3 is important : shoot manually. You need to be able to up your speed. Which usually if you're photographing your kids in motion, you might already be there. I was around 1/1000 sec. It's hard to tell from the screen on the back of the camera if you're getting it, so be familiar with your camera! My ISO was around 400-500, with my aperture between 1.4 and 2.8 [depending on what I was shooting]

Have FUN! 

The focus on the branch, let the kids be blurry in the background.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Nashville, Tennessee Family Lifestyle Photography Page Goes Live

YAY! Exciting news! The new page for Nashville, TN Family Lifestyle Photography is up!!! The galleries are under construction. There's new stuff going up in the next few weeks!

Now that we have relocated to the Nashville, Tennessee area, all of the divisions of Jane Photography will have their own websites!

Engagements & Weddings is here :
Keep up on the facebook page!]

Family Lifestyle Photography is now here: [keep up on its own facebook page here]

And our newest division Glamour Photography will be here : [this also has its own facebook page, be sure to like to find out when it goes live this week!]

Monday, November 12, 2012

Elliott + Beth | Life Unscripted Session

Here's a video of a Life Unscripted Family Session
And don't forget to like on FACEBOOK [each division of Jane Photography has its own facebook page!]

Jane Photography

There are major changes coming to Jane Photography! My old new website is gone, this blog will house contact information for booking a session with me.

For Jane Photography | Weddings like >>> Facebook so you know when all the new sites launch!!!
For Jane Photography | Life Unscripted [FAMILY SESSIONS] >>> This FB Page
For Jane Photography | Glamour: COMING SOON 2013 >>> Facebook Page is here

Super Exciting!

and as always:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Create | Classy Kids Costumes On a Budget : Gene Kelly

PART III: GENE KELLY COSTUME TUTORIAL: Our kids gladly enjoy watching old films. That's what inspired our Old Hollywood themed Costumes this year.  With three kids needing costumes we knew we had to come up with a plan to create all of the ideas that wouldn't break the bank!  Read on to find out how to recreate your own Old Hollywood Costume looks...

 Our kids all saw the Singing in the Rain movie for the first time a few months ago...and FELL.IN.LOVE with it! Everett actually chilled laying down on his belly to watch the WHOLE MOVIE. he's a toddler so it's pretty incredible. If you're a mom, you know. 

So If you already have a suit, you're pretty set, His is made up of some new pieces and some hand-me-down pieces. The shoes were a splurge $9, Suit Vest and Pants $20, Kids mini umbrella $3 [ebay find], and Fedora Hat was also an Ebay find at $5. 

We slicked his hair back with gel and hairspray [he has red curls that are all over the place!]

Where we went for trunk-or-treating this year

savings of $33 !!!

Create | Classy Kids Costumes On a Budget | Audrey Hepburn


Our kids gladly enjoy watching old films. That's what inspired our Old Hollywood themed Costumes this year.  With three kids needing costumes we knew we had to come up with a plan to create all of the ideas that wouldn't break the bank!  Read on to find out how to recreate your own Old Hollywood Costume looks...

Audrey Hepburn
Ok, you've probably seen the ADORABLE viral pinterest post of the Audrey Hepburn Tutu Costume, right?! If you haven't, google it. It's seriously cute. I had EVERY intention of buying it. But, the budget would be BLOWN. Sooooo....

We started with a total flub on my part. The dress is actually an adult dress that I THOUGHT was a girls size small. It wasn't. It was listed wrongly but the description was right. I didn't read it fully [Note to self...] So it had to be altered to fit her. A LOT of fabric came off, but it came out awesome! Dress off of Ebay was $2

Necklace was something I made. It's actually a string of pearls found at a consignment store. They were 50cents. I tied the ends together with thread. This was the cheapest option to get the four strands I wanted it to have. The brooch was an Ebay find for $2, earrings [are magnet earrings because her holes closed up] were $2, the tiara was $2, The glasses we found at TJ Maxx for $8, The gloves were $5, tights $3 and vintage clutch purse [to collect candy!] $5 

I also adapted this tutorial [I'm actually going to finish this because I really like the collar but we were pressed for time.] Of the Audrey Cape. It kept her warm. Lining Fabric on hand, Camel Fleece Fabric $2 [one yard] and quickly stitched together. She chose a fun vintagey floral for the inside fabric and it's actually reversible. 

savings of $68.50 !!!

Create | Classy Kids Costumes On a Budget : Shirley Temple

PART I: SHIRLEY TEMPLE COSTUME TUTORIAL: Our kids gladly enjoy watching old films. That's what inspired our Old Hollywood themed Costumes this year.  With three kids needing costumes we knew we had to come up with a plan to create all of the ideas that wouldn't break the bank!  Read on to find out how to recreate your own Old Hollywood Costume looks...


For Little Miss Diva, it took awhile to figure out how to do her's without spending too much on a dress.  There's an adorable polka dot Shirley Temple costume on Etsy for $115. WAY out of the budget. 

She chose the movie: Captain January. But we couldn't find an affordable pants sailor suit. So we went with a dress. We bought a vintage Dress off of Ebay for 96cents. Yeah. Less than a DOLLAR. We thought we were going to shorten the hem and add a pettiskirt underneath but it was completely freezing outside. 

[the kids are all awesome actors in these photos, do not be fooled, it was FREEZING] 
The purse is an old Gymboree one we scored on Ebay for $4. I like to have candy bags that go with the costumes. Tights were $3, and shoes were a splurge from WalMart for $9 [we couldn't find a child's consignment store in the new town we moved to]. Ribbon in hair : On hand.

savings of over $98 !!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

travel | we moved to tennessee

This is why I've been completely MIA lately! Also, there has been some major overhauling at my website! If you're engaged, check out my sparkly new website!

Clicking this screenshot will take you to the website and all it's snazziness!



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Photograph | Beach Destination Wedding | Part II

  There is so much going on in our lives right now [moving to a new state!], so I've been completely neglecting my blogging duties. Today's post is the second part of a destination wedding I shot with Lynn Harris of Lynn Harris Photography [Eastern NC].
  I got married almost 8 years ago. I was traditional and adamant about my sweet groom not seeing me before I took those first steps toward him down the aisle. But if I had it to do all over again, I would definitely do a "First Look".

   What is a First Look?

  A first look is a hot, new trend in weddings that I *really* hope sticks around. This is a good trend. Hotter than the feathered bang. Trust me. A first look is where the bride and groom see each other, with NO ONE else but the photographers around. It's a private moment. It's a sweet and tender moment. And 100% of the time I do one, the couple is SO glad they did and express it being the most amazing part of their day when asked after the festivities close.

  Why is a First Look so important?
The importance of the First Look is to help relieve some of the pre-wedding jitters. I think [and this is coming from a seriously traditional lady], this should be the new tradition. The wedding day goes by in such a blur and there's SO much commotion from sun up to sun down [and then some] that this is the time that you can reconnect, and relax a little with the person you are vowing to spend the rest of your life with. When the day, decorations, food, and festivities fade....your marriage is the real treasure [well, and your wedding photos *wink]. Your relationship is the real celebration!

They always make me tear up...they teared up, and he danced with her on the beach...cue the chorus of "awwwww..."

What do you think about doing a First Look? Did you do one? Are you for it? Against? Why or Why Not? 
[that totally felt like a essay test question....feel free to leave your's won't be graded *wink]